Statistics of Q4 2019

The fourth quarter of 2019 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Let's have a look at some statistics from the 1st of October till the 31st of December.

winners all per country

Which country has the most wins across all battle categories? That is Russia with 19 wins in 3 countries: Estonia, Russia and Ukraine. In second place, we have Ukraine with 13 wins. In third place, we have France with 3 wins.

winners 1 vs 1 per country

Which country has the most winners in 1 vs 1 battles? That is Ukraine, with 11 wins in 2 countries: Italy and Ukraine. In second place, we have Russia with 7 wins. In third place, we have a tie with 4 countries: Belgium, France, Moldova, and Romania. All four have 2 wins.

winners 2 vs 2 per country

Which country contributed to the most wins in 2 vs 2 battles? That is Russia, with 12 wins in 3 countries: Estonia, Russia, and Ukraine. In second place, we have a tie with 3 countries: Estonia, Sweden, and Ukraine. All three have 2 wins. In third place, we have a tie with France and Greece with 1 win.

event per country

Which country organised the most events? That is Ukraine, with 8 events. In second place, we have Russia with 7 events. In third place, we have France with 3 events.

Which dancer has the most wins across all battle categories (1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2)? We have tie with 6 dancers who all have 2 wins: Aliya Ashadullina, Jase Mad Spirit, Kristina, Polya, Rocket, and Stream.

If you are interested in the statistics of the whole of 2019, you can find them in our other blog post.

How wins are counted in 2 vs 2 battles

One win in a 2 vs 2 battle results in a win awarded to each dancer and country. For example, if we have a team of a Greek and Spanish dancer, then Greece and Spain have both one win. If we have a team of two Greek dancers, then Greece has two wins.

What events are used

Certain events and battles might not be used during our analysis, either because we did not know the event took place or because we do not have all required information such as the date the event took place, the winner of the battle, or the country of the event or winner.