
Statistics of Q1 2020 The first quarter of 2020 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Which dancer and country has the most wins? Which country organised the most events? 2020-04-01

Statistics of 2019 The year 2019 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Which dancer and country has the most wins? Which country organised the most events? 2019-12-31

Statistics of Q4 2019 The fourth quarter of 2019 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Which dancer and country has the most wins? Which country organised the most events? 2019-12-30

Statistics of Q3 2019 The third quarter of 2019 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Which dancer and country has the most wins? Which country organised the most events? 2019-10-11

Statistics of Q2 2019 The second quarter of 2019 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Which dancer and country has the most wins? Which country organised the most events? 2019-07-20

Statistics of Q1 2019 The first quarter of 2019 is over. Battles have been fought and the winners are known. Which dancer and country has the most wins? Which country organised the most events? 2019-05-01